India is filled with wild spaces and interesting animals. There are mountains in the north, beaches in the south, jungles and deserts and lots of big rivers.
You can find tigers and elephants, crocodiles and sacred cows, bears, monkeys and snakes.
India also has some problems with its nature. There’s a lot of pollution in rivers and rubbish thrown away. Lots of animals, like tigers, are hunted by humans so now they are endangered.
Activity 13: Sacred rivers
Lots of rivers, like the Ganges are sacred and very important for Indian people. People use the rivers to wash and pray and clean their clothes. There are also lots of animals that live in the rivers.
Sadly there can also be a lot of rubbish in rivers. Lots of countries have this problem, including India.
Can you help clean up the river? We need you to count the different objects in the river.
There are some boxes to help you count on page 19 of your worksheets. We’ve done the first one for you.
The answer for this puzzle is the letter for which there is only 1 object ⭐
You can click on the picture to make it bigger.
Activity 14: Sacred Cows
Cows are special animals for most Indians. Many Indians are vegetarian and lots do not eat beef. In the Hindu religion cows are holy animals. In many places they are allowed to wander freely through the streets, eating whatever they want. During some festivals people dress up cows with flowers, jewellery and paint.
Here are 8 cows, each with their own name. There’s a pile of decorations in the last box - can you work out which cow they belong to? The name of the cow is the answer that goes in the Answer Grid ⭐
Activity 15: Tiger Factsheet
Tigers are the biggest cats in the entire world. The only place where they live in the wild is Asia.
Tigers are also endangered, which means there aren’t many of them left. Almost 95% of the tigers that used to live in the world are now extinct, because they are hunted by humans.
There are fewer than 4,000 tigers left in the whole world. Most of those live in India.
Here’s a little video about tigers…
Check out page 20 of your workbook. It’s got 5 questions about tigers. Can you answer them all? The answer to the first question is the one that goes in the Answer Grid ⭐
You’ll probably need to do some research on Google to find out the answers.
We’ve also got some tiger facts here…
Nice work!
You should have 15 answers now.
If you’re ready, you can move onto the next section (it’s the last one!) which is all about Indian culture and traditions. Click the button to move on
Hold up!
Let’s take a break for some Indian dance!
There are many different types of traditional dancing in India. One of these is called Kathak dance. It uses lots of hand movements to mean different things. These hand positions are called Mudras.
Can you copy these mudras with your own hands?