Let’s get you into the platform!
Thanks for purchasing a Just the Ticket journey. Your Travel Pack is on its way to you but in the meantime, let’s set up your access to the online platform.
You won’t be able to access the first country until your first postcard arrives, but we’ve got a few bits and pieces to keep you occupied in the meantime!
What happens now?
To create your account on the online platform, click on the button below which corresponds to the journey you bought (3-, 6- or 12 months).
Some important things to note:
• Please make sure to click on the right length of journey (3-, 6- or 12 months)
• Please ensure you use the same email address when creating the account as you entered when purchasing the product
It’s crucial to follow these steps, otherwise you risk having your account deleted with no notice. We can restore it, but it will cause irritating and unnecessary delays for you.