Our first DTK Family Quiz is ready!

We’ve been excited about making DTK Family Quizzes from the very beginning. Transforming DTK Online into an online platform has been hard work but it allows us to do so much more with interactive learning and extra things for kids to get excited about.

Lots of parents comment that they learn new stuff from DTK workbooks all the time, so we thought we’d take advantage!

What are DTK Family Quizzes?

DTK Family Quizzes are quizzes that come out with each new workbook. We want to test kids on how much they’ve learned or even how much they already know but in a fun way. The quiz comes as a standard YouTube video, so it can be paused or rewound whenever.

15 questions appear on the screen in succession. Quiz contestants write down the answers on a piece of paper. Families or kids can do this as a group, all together, or competing against each other with separate pieces of paper.

At the end of the questions, there’s time to rewind and go over any questions you missed. Then the answers come up. Kids can mark each others’ papers or mark them together.

Some reasons DTK Family Quizzes are great

  1. They’re designed for families, not just kids

DTK Quizzes are designed to be completed by kids and adults. Some of the questions kids probably won’t know on their own, but their parents might. It’s a great opportunity to bring the family together for a little while and learn something together.

Leading by example is super important for parents trying to instill good educational practices in kids. Kids notice everything, and if they know you’re enthusiastic about something, and value it highly, they will to. The quizzes also give kids an opportunity to see that their parents sometimes get questions wrong too and that they don’t know everything. This is crucial for building educational resilience, and getting them to try again!

2. Quizzes work with DTK workbooks, but you don’t have to have completed the workbook to try

Some of the questions in the quizzes relate to what’s in the workbooks, but not everything. This encourages kids to go a step further in learning about a country, and recognizing that DTK workbooks, although they’re great, don’t have all the answers.

Also, kids can take part in the quizzes at any time!

3. Kids love testing their knowledge

Once kids feel comfortable in their learning, they love testing their knowledge and having the opportunity to show off a little! Quizzes are a great opportunity for your kids to show you how much they’ve learned, as well as working as part of a team.

As the quizzes are low stakes, it’s a great intro to basic, fun testing.

4. Quizzes are short

Kids can have short attention spans. Quizzes are about 5 minutes, including answers so they can even be done when concentration is running out at the end of the day.

5. Kids can associate simple tests with fun!

Whether you agree with it or not, your kids will probably be exposed to some form of testing, whether in school or afterwards. Developing a healthy, resilient attitude to testing is a life skill which can be learned. Multiple ‘low stakes’ yet fun quizzes can help kids practice winning and disappointment.

6. They’re simple to use

While a YouTube video might seem low tech, we wanted to make sure the quizzes were as simple as possible to use. Lots of platforms (including our own sometimes!) can be tricky or fiddly. We want DTK Family Quizzes to be quick, easy, fun and involve as many member of the family as possible.

If Nana and Grampa want to join in - go for it!

Have we sold you on the idea?

Why not try out our Spain DTK Quiz right now? It’s available on YouTube…

Deliberate Travel Kids makes educational workbooks for kids aged 6-12. Each workbook covers a different country and with each country comes a DTK Family Quiz...

Follow us on YouTube if you want to get more DTK Quizzes in the future!

Interested in the Spain workbook?

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It’s part of our online learning platform DTK Online. We use a combination of online activities and printable worksheets to teach kids aged 6-12 about different countries around the world.

Spain is our workbook for February 2021, but a new workbook comes out every month, and we’ve got a backlog of 14 other workbooks.

Want to know more?

Laura Curtis