The best subscription boxes for kids in 2020 (and 2021!)

Subscription boxes are all the rage right now, and not just for kids . They can be a great way to learn about the world, although they definitely have some problems. Lots of parents are unsure which subscription boxes are the best, and what they should focus on when finding a subscription box. Often it can be a significant investment for an annual subscription, so it’s worthwhile considering carefully. 

We’ve made an additional list of a few things you should consider before choosing a subscription box for your kid…

  • Price

Some subscription boxes can be pretty pricey, and often ask you to pay upfront for several months or even a year. In addition, make sure to take into account shipping costs. US based companies cost extra to ship to Europe and the UK and vice versa. ON the other hand, lots of places have seasonal discounts or you can find coupons online. 

  • Delivery

Again, delivery costs can really mount up, especially if you have to pay them each month. In addition, take timing into account when ordering - if something has to ship from the US it will take longer. 

  • Educational or entertainment? 

Some subscription boxes have more educational backing than others. We have problems with some of how the geography based boxes present different countries (i.e. Egypt is only about the Ancient Egyptians, ignoring 2,000 years of history), so do research thoroughly if you’re looking for something more educational than entertaining. 

  • Environmental impact

Some of the boxes include a lot of disposable, plastic parts. These parts are often single use, and end up landfill pretty quickly. If this is an issue you’re concerned about, make sure to check their policy on plastics. In addition, the further a box is shipped, the more environmental impact it has - worth thinking about!

  • Age range

The age ranges of subscription boxes can vary widely and may not be appropriate for your child. Luckily lots of boxes allow you a free trial month to double check it’s the right age for your kid. 

The Options

There are loads and loads of subcription boxes available, on all different topics. But these are the best ones we’ve found so far…

We’ve also made an infographic of the themes, ages and prices so make sure to scroll down!

KiwiCo Crates

(Specifically the Atlas Crates)

$16.95 + $5.95 shipping/month

KiwiCo has a great reputation for STEM based activities for kids. They cover most age ranges with their boxes, but the one we’re most interested in is the Atlas Crate. This is designed for kids aged 6-10 and focuses on geography with a STEM twist. Guided by travel buddies Anya and Milo (a cricket and a sandpiper), kids can explore different countries through activities and fact cards.

Each crate helps kids build up their own Adventure Book with facts about landmarks, history and foods.

KiwiCo is US based, so may prove more expensive for those based outside the US.

Join Anya and Milo as they discover Peru. Make a fluffy alpaca and try your hand at making local textiles by weaving a mini blanket and matching chullo hat. Play an ancient tossing game called sapo and test the accuracy of your aim. Discover the mysteries of the Nazca Desert and create your own Nazca Line art. Whip up some sweet quinoa con leche for a taste of a local treat. Make music with a DIY antara flute.
— from the Peru crate

Make + Wonder


This is an arts and crafts focused box and it’s beautiful. Each box is themed around a different type of art, and is inspired by a different female artist. Examples include:

  • The Collage Box, inspired by Frida Kahlo

  • The Abstract Christmas Box, inspired by Joan Mitchell

These guys really know their art stuff. Each box comes with supplies, information, illustrated guides and tips for parents. They cross a wide age range - 3-10 years old which could be a problem at the upper or lower end of the range.

The collage box is inspired by the Mexican artist Frida Kahlo - who is well known for her portraits. This box teaches you about art inspired by Frida Kahlo, curated quality resources and 4 fun art projects inspired by Frida Kahlo that will inspire your children to create, design, make and explore.
— description of the Kahlo Box

OwlCrate Jr

$27.99 + $19.99 shipping/month

OwlCrate is focused on reading, but making reading a more immersive experience than just a book. Each box has a theme, for example the latest is ‘Winged Creatures’. The box comes with a book, additional activity and a collectible monthly sticker and magazine. OwlCrate Jr is aimed at kids aged 8-12, and the also have a subscription for 14+ teens.

OwlCrate is US based, so may prove more expensive for those based outside the US.

The Barren Grounds by David A. Robertson
Epic Quests Sketchbook
Matching Pencil Tin and Pencils
Narnia-inspired Map Bandana
Golden Compass-inspired Water Bottle
Hobbit-inspired Dragon Enamel Pin
Epic Quests collectible sticker
Signed bookplate and exclusive author letter
OwlCrate Jr Magazine Issue #26
November ‘Home Sweet Home’ sneak peek postcard
— contents of Epic Quests box

Mysteries in Time


This is a history themed subscription for kids aged 7-11. Each pack is themed around a different historical period and includes an illustrated adventure story along with hands on activities and puzzles. The historical periods covered are fairly standard, including:

  • Ancient Egypt

  • Ancient Greece

  • Aztecs

  • Vikings

  • and others

Adventures follow Kate and Max as they travel through different historical periods. This subscription box is one of the more inexpensive ones for those UK based.

Experience new historical places by reading the illustrated adventure story, which follows Max & Katie as they travel back in time to solve an exciting mystery. Enrich this learning with a supporting history magazine, with easy-to-read sections that are clear, succinct and interesting. Your child will love sharing the fun facts with you!
— description of Max and Kate's adventures

Little Passports

£15 + £3.95 shipping/month

Little Passports is one of the better known geography options. They claim to cover geography, science, world cultures, arts and more, all through different countries. They also have a huge variety of options for different ages and price points.

For the DTK age range, the World Edition would probably be the most appropriate. The first edition arrives in a little suitcase with a passport and map for kids to record their activities. Each further box comes with new activities or souvenirs, collective country coins and letters from penpals Sam and Sofia.

As we’ve previously mentioned, we find the inclusion of single-use plastic toys to be a significant downside to this subscription box, although it is one of the most popular ones out there.

The also have STEM and US-focused versions.

Green Kid Crafts

$29.95 + $24.95 shipping/month

Green Kid Crafts do STEAM related activities with an environmentally friendly twist. Each box comes with 4-6 activities and amagazine to aid learning. Activities seem to be craft rather than STEM for the most part. The boxes are designed for kids aged 5-10 although there is a Junior Box for younger ones.

Past themes include:

  • Rainforest Science

  • Robot Workshop Lab

  • Interesting Insects

  • Arctic Science

  • Volcanoes

  • Amphibians

MEL Science

£29.90/month with a requirement to pay for 10 or 15 months upfront

One of the more expensive subscription boxes, this one is truly professional. Each box obtains hands on, truly scientific experiments for kids to do. They also adhere strictly to safety standards, do loads of testing and apparently have 10 PhDs on board.

They predominantly focus on chemistry, but have a physics component as well. MEL Science is for kids aged 10-14, while MEL Kids (less chemistry, more physics experiments) are for ages 5-10.


We made a handy little infographic to compare all the different options we discussed. It’s designed for our UK audience, so it in GBP and based as far as possible on anticipating shipping costs to the UK.

Subscription Table.png

Or you could try Deliberate Travel Kids Online...

There are of course many, many more types of subscription boxes, or services. In fact, in February we’re launching our own subscription service. We make educational activity workbooks for kids based on different countries. Each workbook uses puzzles and research activities to dig deeper into different cultures, beyond the basics and the stereotypes. 

So far, we’ve covered 16 different countries, and from February we’re switching to online workbooks. Our workbooks are a mixture of online and printable activities, so kids get the best of both worlds while avoiding shipping costs and waiting times. 

One new workbook will come out each month and all previous workbooks will be available on the platform the whole time. There are a bunch of extras as well. If you want to check out what the online workbooks will be like, our 16th workbook - Lapland - is available now for free. 

We launch in February and will be offering Early Bird Prices from January. If you want to be notified when the Early Bird Prices are ready, leave your email below. It’s not a mailing list, so we won’t bother you with other content, just let you know when the Early Bird Prices are on sale!

Laura Curtis